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For ladies only: BRA SOLUTION!

I am 15 months post stroke and have tried SOmany different bras, hoping to find one that I can put on and take off independently with one arm  ( my poor husband was as frustrated as me!).  I finally saw one mentioned on a stroke site that works like a charm. No snaps, zippers, etc. very stretchy material that one can actually STEP into and out of. And comfortable, too (no underwires).very reasonably priced on @Amazon 3 for $29.99. I believe they are also carried by Walmart.   The GENIE BRA.


Also post stroke, and I seriously hate the “uni-boob” of sports bras!  My fav  trick:

Use a clothespin. Put bra around your waist. Clip the eye side to underwear or pants. Right in front. Then bring hook side around and hook without removing clothespin. Once hooked, take off clothespin, turn it around  so hook is in back. Arms thru holes and pull up. Put the girls away and off you go!  ❤️

Great suggestion!

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